HAMK Unlimited is a publishing platform which gathers all HAMK-based publications onto one website. The publications may include texts, pictures, audios, and videos. There are three publications: Professional, Journal, and Scientific. Below you can find general instructions for all these publications, as well as specific instructions for each publication.
Submit your manuscript via submission form. You can also contact us earlier if you need guidance. If you are planning on making an audiovisual publication, please contact us at the earliest possible stage.
As of March 4, 2019, a publishing fee will be applied to such articles published in HAMK Unlimited that do not have an author working or studying in Häme University of Applied Sciences / HAMK Corporation. The publishing fee is 200 euros per article.
The publishing fee will not be applied to articles published in HAMK Unlimited Scientific.
HAMK reserves the right not to apply the publishing fee. Please contact julkaisut@hamk.fi for further information.
Mervi Friman acts as editor-in-chief for publications in HAMK, and Senja Sakko as editor.
HAMK Unlimited uses desk reject procedure. Manuscripts for HAMK Unlimited Professional and Journal are reviewed by two reviewers either from HAMK or outside of HAMK. The peer reviewing process is open both ways. HAMK Unlimited Scientific uses double-blind peer review.
The final decision on publishing is made by the editor-in-chief, based on peer reviews and the principles agreed upon by the editorial board.
The members of the editorial board of HAMK publications 13 March 2023–
Anne-Mari Järvenpää
Olli Koskela
Raija Koskinen
Päivi Laaksonen
Sinikka Luokkanen
Janne Salminen
Kyllikki Valkealahti
Katja Vähäsantanen
PROFESSIONAL stories are directed either at the big audience or the professional audience. They are based on the author’s expertise.
The structure of the article is free, and different forms are allowed, even promoted. Articles are from 4,000 to 8,000 characters long (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). Source references are not necessary, but when used, they are referred to according to APA 7th edition. The sources do not need to be academic, but sound criticism is expected.
The publishing decision is made by the editor-in-chief, based on expert opinions. Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The editors may ask for changes to be made in the manuscript, and the editors also hold the right to make minor corrections to the language. However, the author is responsible for proofreading.
JOURNAL articles present the results of R, D & I activities or teaching and education. The empirical material is in the leading role, and by choosing sources which support the empirical findings, the author shows their familiarity with the context and the tradition of their topic.
Lectio praecursoria articles can also be published in HAMK Unlimited Journal.
The length of the article is from 10,000 to 20,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). The sources are referred to according to APA 7th edition.
The publishing decision is made by the editor-in-chief and based on two expert reviews. Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The editors may ask for changes to be made in the manuscript, and the editors also hold the right to make minor corrections to the language. However, the author is responsible for proofreading.
SCIENTIFIC includes peer-reviewed scientific articles. A manuscript is written according to general practices in the field in question. The maximum length is 50,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). The sources are referred to according to APA 7th edition.
HAMK Unlimited Scientific has been granted the right to use the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications (vertaisarviointitunnus) of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunta, TSV), and adheres to the requirements of use of the label.
Desk reject is in use, i.e. the editor in chief may decide not to send the manuscript for review. The review process is double blind. The reviewers are asked to give one of the following recommendations:
- to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication as such.
- to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication after minor revision (comments included).
- to suggest that the manuscript is accepted for publication after major revision (comments included).
- to suggest that the manuscript should be rejected for reasons they set out.
The editors of HAMK Unlimited make the final publishing decision taking into account the recommendations of the reviewers.
These instructions apply to all publication categories.
The text must be aligned to the left; not justified. Do not use hyphenation or paragraph indents. Mark a new paragraph with an empty line. In addition to the main heading, there can be two subheading levels at the most. The main headings and the subheadings should be formatted clearly.
The publishing platform raises the first couple of sentences on the landing page, and thus all texts must begin with a short lead, consisting of two or three sentences.
Any tables and figures are marked with running numbers. They are placed in the correct place in the text, not at the end. The headline of a figure is placed under the figure, and the headline of a table is placed on top of the table. Figures are sent in separate picture files. Always include the original file.
Each publication requires at least one article main photo. It needs to be appealing and of good quality, and it should be related to the topic. Submit the photo(s) as separate files (.jpg or .png). Make sure that you have the right to use the picture. Minimum width is 1,000 px, resolution 72 ppi, and the orientation is preferably landscape. Scaling and resizing are taken care of at HAMK Unlimited. You can search for a suitable photo from HAMK Flickr or use image banks on the internet. Always identify the source of the picture. If you don’t come across a suitable photo, the editors can help you find one.
The sources are referred to according to APA 7 (American Psychological Association, Seventh edition). In the thesis guide for HAMK students, you can find the HAMK citation guide theory and examples, based on the APA publication manual.
HAMK Unlimited is completely open access: all publications are free and available to anyone. In addition to this, we use Creative Commons license CC BY-SA by default. This means that anyone can share, copy and edit your publication, as long as they mention the source and share the material with the same license. If you wish to publish under a different license, let us know. You can learn more about CC licenses and choose a suitable one at https://creativecommons.org/choose/.
HAMK does not provide proofreading or translation services. HAMK has a contract with a service provider. Here you can check HAMK-specific vocabulary (available only for HAMK staff).